
Showing posts from December, 2011

I Believe!

Let’s run through some quick philosophy today. Philosophy is like a morale booster, they make you happy or sad, depending on what you want to feel. When you want to free yourself of some guilt, all you need to do is just say, “Charity begins at home”. There are several instances where you can put up a one liner and convince yourself of something which had been so out of your control. It is all about fooling your heart, fooling would be the wrong word, but then this line is prescribed by Baba Ranchood Das. (I hope we all know who he is.) There is no ultimate truth in life, sorry to the various writers of books like Secret, The monk who sold his Ferrari etc. you guys had the brain to earn some quick money. The inspiration lies within a person it is the perspective of the situation which makes the difference. Those writers got an audience who read all what they wanted to read in the book. These books contain nothing that we don’t know, it is a way of convincing that what we...

My Views on the Indian Economy

Sensex is infinitesimally over 16000, one dollar is equivalent to ` 53.20, the IIP is at an all-time low. To cut it short, situation looks bad to a common man, yet the economists say that the worst is yet to come. The discussion enters the phase where it has become only discussion and no work. The volatile markets and the unsupported economy have become a trend in the Indian market. The story of FDI is yet another dispute and a topic of just political importance. The rupee is on a never ending height of never having a strong value. The Prime minister and the RBI came up with a plan of buying dollars and then selling them (to increase the value of Indian Rupee), but then it was a temporary solution and hence dropped. So the situation demanded presence of US dollars in the country, and as a part of the plan FDI came into the scenario. A quick glance, FDI is Foreign Direct Investment which allows foreign investors in the country to set up business. In India’s case it is the retail gi...


A comparison made during a journey! like it if u like it :) Life is like a wall as on Facebook, people post on it and leave there mark, you can remove them and even block them. But in life the impressions always remain. Your comments can be liked or may be not, but in real you cannot delete them. It can be taken as a comment or as a critique. Other may like it and even have fun with it. In real it has done it's job. You update your status, the entire world reads it and makes a statement only a few concerned will be genuinely interested. But the real one's will call you up and give you a talk. There will be birthdays reminders, and many to wish. But there will always be a few who will remind you of your birthday! You can deactivate your account and get back later. But life doesn't give you a second chance. Facebook is what you want to show, but life is what you are!