The End!
There was darkness, then there was silence, he walked slowly towards the speck of light he could see at the end of the tunnel, his knees shaking, hands trembling, the knife in his hand was dry unlike his expectations. 7 days earlier: Both of them were getting back from their vacation in Bahamas, both of them loved the sea, and it was the perfect destination for their honeymoon. There was sea, sand and sex! Some would say they weren’t a perfect couple, but little did people know that they were like yin and yang, she was beautiful and he was the beast, he smiled less, talked less and was least to say an awkward person. She was bold, beautiful and ever smiling. It was an unusual match even for her but he was nothing like the other guys she had seen, he had confidence, chivalry and a calm which was surprising for a guy of his age. He kept looking at her in awe, still in shock of how he was able to convince a girl like her to even talk to him, but today they were together ...