A TREK to Remember!
It all began when we wanted a weekend break which would rejuvenate our minds and make us believe that the world isn’t against us and we can have fun too. What we didn’t know was it was almost going to break our bones and make us miserable for the entire following week. Yet it all began with 2 of us who were so convinced with the entire itinerary of the trip that we believed it was made JUST for US! So when it came to roping in more people for the fun trip we assumed it to be, we were better than Rocket Singh “salesman of the year” and that’s when I wonder what if I was a sales guy! A staggering 13 people were a part of the legen… (Wait for it)...DARY trip to our very own, most beloved SANDHAN VALLEY! YES 13! Eventually after it all got over I was wondering who got fooled me or them! You know the time when you have planned about sitting under the sky, holding a glass of scotch (in our case rum) with some light music and a bunch of great people around you with laughter galore a...